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The endemic flora in Mauritius... so precious!


The endemic flora in Mauritius... so precious!

With Madagascar and the other islands in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius is classified by UICN amongst the 34 "hot points" of biodiversity in the world, meaning a zone that is hosting a high diversity of endemic species.

endemic flora in Mauritius

Mauritius appeared 7 millions years ago. Volcanoes are no longer active but created a land with a lot of diversity and with different types of soils. 
Mauritius shelters an endemic flora but also a native and exotic flora. 
- An endemic plant exist nowhere else in the world and is found on a limited territory (an island, a mountain). In Mauritius, we count 691 native plants including 273 endemics from Mauritius and 156 endemic from Mascareignes islands. 
- A native plant is called so when it arrived on the island by itself, via natural means and was present before man's arrival. 
- On the contrary a plant is exotic when it was introduce, voluntarily or not, by men.

There ar 6 floral regions in the world: neotropis, paleotropis, capensis, australis, holarktis and antarktis. If one plant goes beyond her natural barriers, it might become invasive on the new territory. The fight against invasive is an immense task but  primordial to protect endemic and native species.
endemic flora in Mauritius

It was initially through the airs and the sea that came, gradually, the first elements... isolated from the rest of the world, species have adapted to their environment. 
As all the tropical islands, Mauritius has been colonized at the beginning by plants with small seeds which are spread out more easily through the oceans and the winds. Its flora was mainly composed by herbs. With competition, some plants turned into trees overtime. The higher the plant, the more dominant… and offers shadow. 
The island covered itself with a multiple vegetation, of an incredible botanic richness. The natural environments are diverse : dry or humid forest, savannah, mangrove swamp… depending on altitude, temperature, humidity, near the coast or not. This natural diversity  is quiet substantial for a little island! 
It is an heritage we must preserve at all costs!
Mauritius has only 2% of its surface covered with forests. In the past, urbanization and sugar cane plantations led to a massive land clearing. 
This  precious  natural heritage must be saved from fire, human activity development, exotic species encroachment...We count many "plant pests" in Mauritius. It is crucial to transfer the original Mauritian biodiversity to our future generations. 

To better understand the importance of our natural heritage, you should visit it, admire it... it will move you!  umoov the guide of Mauritius selected for you some of its favorite trails:

endemic flora in Mauritius

Mauritius is on the right track! 
Mauritius Wildlife Foundation, work in partnership with National Parks and Conservation Services to restore the forest and eradicate invasive species, a long term project which will bear fruits in several decades; what man destroyed in one day cannot be restored in one day, isn't it?! 
The University of Mauritius made an inventory of medicinal plants and aromatic plants in the Indian Ocean. 
The project PAN aims at rehabilitating threatened forests, in particular montagne du Pouce, Le Morne Brabant, Gouly Père, Les Mares, Perrier, Le Cabinet and a part of Monvert nature walk.

Our environment is fragile and unique, we must protect it! We should, we must keep our forests, our parks, our gardens and our beaches clean, and bring our garbage at home. Trash cans in nature attract rats which then invade our forests, attack endemic birds and bring diseases. 

Let's treasure the nature that surrounds us, because it is really precious!