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Premium advertisement space

The blog of umoov

More visibility through the umoov PREMIUM advertisement space

Promotion of events in umoov

Efficient promotion

The PREMIUM advertising space on umoov website and on umoov applications for Android and iOS (iPhone , iPad and iPod) allows to promote events and activities already listed in umoov even more efficiently. The number of visits recorded for an event or activity is increased by more than ten times when it appears in PREMIUM space.
Geo-located promotion events in umoov

Geographical optimization

The Ads in the PREMIUM space appear on the screen when a user performs a search in the area, or in a nearby geographical area. The display of the ad is triggered as a function of the distance between the center of the map displayed in umoov and the place of the event or activity. This allows to display the ad even if the event/activity is beyond the contours of the map viewed on the display, and drain even more visitors. Every ad appears for a specified time defined in advance.
Effective business promotion in umoov

Highly visible display

To attract the attention of the user, the display of the advertising PREMIUM space is done with bright colours and it changes randomly every 10 seconds or each time the user changes his research in umoov (movement, zoom of the map or change of the filters). For more visibility , a single event/activity - among those eligible in the advertising PREMIUM space - is shown each time randomly.
The PRICES of the PREMIUM advertisement space are available by contacting us

umoov iPhone/iPad umoov Android umoov web
PREMIUM space in the list display in umoov iPhone/iPad (yellow box in the bottom of the screen) PREMIUM space in the map display in umoov Android (yellow box in the bottom of the screen) PREMIUM space in umoov web (purple box on the left of the screen)