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How to maximize the promotion of your event/activity through umoov?

01 02 03
Share at maximum your events Enrich the content Premium advertisement space of umoov
Share at maximum Enrich the content Use the umoov premium advertisement space
Share the unique address of your event/activity on social networks (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.), using exiting messages, and very important, always use different texts. Put the unique address of your event/activity on several web sites, using as anchor text the name of your event/activity. In addition to reaching a wider audience, these operations can increase the visibility of your event in search engines. Use the unique address in your promotional emails and use the umoov QR code of your event/activity on your paper media: the user who will find you through your paper media can thus, in 1 click, scan the QR code and store your event/activity in the agenda of its smartphone. If you have not already done so, enrich the content of your event/activity in umoov: write a description of at least 200 words, original, useful and above all unique and not existing on athor web sites. Do not copy and paste! This is very important. Indeed, duplicate content are generally penalized by the search engines. If you write unique content, then the visibility in search engines of your event/activity will increase and you will have more visitor. Also add photos and possibly a video. We also suggest you to write an article in the blog umoov who speaks about your event or your business. It is free! The premium ad space of umoov allows to increase by more than ten times the number of visits on your event/activity. This is a paid service that is flexible and adaptable to your needs. More details are on the page of the premium advertisement space of umoov.