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Where can I find the mobile version of umoov ?

Just open from the browser in your device and you will access automatically to the mobile version of umoov. The software automatically detects if you are running umoov on a mobile device or not, and then it shows the corresponding version of the application. Please contact us in case that you have difficulties in accessing the mobile version of umoov.

What are events/activities ?

Activities/Events have a well determined duration in time and a well defined location where they take place. They are open to public. Example of events/activities are:

  • A music concert
  • A sport competition
  • A show
  • A training session
  • A charitable event

The event/activity is owned by the user who created it. Activities/Events are visible to all users. Activities/Events can be modified and deleted only by their owner and by umoov administrators.

What are events/activities sites ?

Activities/Events sites are the places where events/activities has place. An events/activities site is defined by precise GPS coordinates and address.

Activities/Events sites are visible to all users.

Activities/Events sites can have an owner or not. Activities/Events sites without the owner defined can be modified by everybody. Activities/Events sites with the owner defined can be modified only by the owner and by umoov administrators. Activities/Events sites can be deleted only by the owner and by umoov administrators.

New events/activities can be created in any existing events/activities site, even if the user doesn't own the events/activities site.

Do I have to pay in order to use umoov ? Do I have to pay in order to post an event/activity ?

No, it is free. The same is true in order to create and use events/activities sites

How can I post a new event/activity ?

In order to post a new event/activity you need to be a registered user and login to umoov

Which are the events/activities shown in the left vertical panel of the main page ?

The left vertical panel is called search results panel. This panel contains the events/activities which are visible on the map and are the result of the search done based on the following parameters:

  • The geographical boundings of the map
  • The text entered in What
  • The time interval selected in When
  • The selected filters

The search results panel will show a paging control if there are a lot of events/activities resulting from the search. The events/activities shown in the page selected in the search results panel are the ones wich have big icons on the map.

How to enlarge/reduce the search geographical region ?

Simply use the zoom control you have on the map, use the weel of the mouse by pointing on the point on the map you would like to enlarge/reduce, or double click on the point in the map you would like to enlarge

How does the text search work in umoov ?

Text search in the main window is done by default using all the words written in the search box. In order to do and or search then specify OR between the words. e.g. jazz OR rock. Then the search is performed on all the text contained in:

  • The event/activity name
  • The event/activity description
  • The events/activities site name
  • The events/activities site description

If you have particular keywords that you would like to be visible in the searches, then include them in the descripition of the event/actitiy

The text search done in the administration pages is done differently. In these pages the search is done only on the name.

The text search is done on an exact match of the word, eccept the case.

Is the content of events/activities and sites referenced in search engines ?

Yes. The following content is open for crawling from search engines:

  • The event/activity name
  • The event/activity description
  • The events/activities site name
  • The events/activities site city

Once this content is referenced in the search engines, a user can find event/activities stored in umoov just by using the most common search engines as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

How can improve the ranking of my events/activities in the search results ?

The number of events/activities showed in the main map and in the search results panel is limited to a few hundreds. Moreover the results are ranked. In order to improve your visibility by appearing in the first results you can:

  • Write a good description of the event/activity
  • Number of pictures added to the event/activity
  • Define a video
  • Purchase visibility in the advertisment PREMIUM space of umoov

Is it possible to claim the ownership of an events/activities site ?

Yes. This happens if you find in umoov the existence of an events/activities site for which you are the responsible or the owner but in umoov the events/activities site has an owner different than you or the owner is not defined.

In order to claim the ownership, log in, select the concerned events/activities site in the manage panel, click “claim” and follow the instructions.

When I create a new event/activity or I modify an already existing event/activity it is not immediately visible in the main map, why ?

Every time an new event/activity is created or an already existing event/activity is modified, it has to be validated by the umoov staff. The modified event/activity will be visible in the main map only if it is validated. If rejected all the modifications will be lost. However the modified event/activity will be accessible in the management panels, and it will be possible to modify it, also before its validation or rejection.

As soon as the modifications are validated or rejected you will receive an email of notification.

When I create a new events/activities site or I modify an already existing events/activities site it is not immediately visible in the main map, why ?

Every time an new events/activities site is created or an already existing events/activities site is modified, it has to be validated by the umoov staff. The modified events/activities site will be visible in the main map only if it is validated. If rejected all the modifications will be lost. However the modified events/activities site will be accessible in the management panels, and it will be possible to modify it, to attach new events/activities to it, also before its validation or rejection. In case of a new events/activities site, if rejected then all the events/activities attached to it will be rejected.

Upon validation or rejection an email of notification is sent to only the owner, if it is defined.

What happens when an events/activities site is deleted by its owner ?

An events/activities site can be deleted by its owner. All the events/activities associated to this site and belonging to the events/activities site owner will be deleted. The events/activities associated to this site and not belonging to the events/activities sitw owner will not be deleted.

What happens when a user delete its account ?

All the personal data associated to the account will be erased. Moreover all the events/activities sites belonging to the deleted user will be deleted.