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Pint Of Science


Forget your boring science lessons and discover science in a new way!

Pint of Science is the science-friendly event of the year that you don't want to miss!

How does it work?

The recipe is simple and effective: thanks to enthusiastic researchers, far away from scientific jargon and in a relaxed atmosphere.

Come and discover the research being done around Baden, meet brilliant scientists, and discover their research in a simple way while you share a drink with them.

We promise you that science will never be the same again!

Pint of Science is a global science education festival, initiated in London in 2013, and takes place simultaneously in May in around 500 cities in 25 countries.

The festival aims to bring the public together with local scientists in a relaxed and informal environment, usually in a city pub.

Take a look at the program that the early writers from the Swiss region have prepared for you: https://pintofscience.

ch/ or

Science and fun for free!

Bad zum Raben



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