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Nightwatchman Ralf Walk


The tour starts with the fire horn followed by the Nightwatchman call. Here you go.

Nightwatchman Ralf introduces himself and tells you about his live in the middle ages.

You see the Martiniplan, a 400 years old city map and you hear from Martin Martini the genius copper engraver, counterfeiter and loudmouth.

The Night Watchman shows you tonight's walking route on the Martini map.

He also tells you about the main city buildings and the fortification of Old Lucerne.

You will discover that many of the buildings have been well kept over the centuries and still attract the Lucerne visitor of today.

The most photographed attraction in Switzerland is the Water Tower, which was built a few decades before the wooden Chapel Bridge.

You get to know about the inside of the Water Tower and the torture chamber.

A few steps around the corner, you hear about living in the blooming Republic of Lucerne.

Walking through the Furrengasse you learn about its Ghost and the Toggelis around him.

On Kornmarkt you see the Lucerne Foot and Elle on the wall of the Town Hall.

You hear the story of the "Giant of Reiden".

In the Brandgässli Alley you get to know about the Riot of Lucerne before you reach the lower wine market, where once the pillory was located.

You continue to the Zöpfli, where the Nightwatchman introduces you to medieval law and order.

Learn about medieval prosecution, interrogation methods, corporal punishment and death penalties.

Then you cross the Reussbrücke, pass the house of the "Swiss King", walk by the former pawn shop and the mint house to the Alte Suidtersche Apotheke.

There you see the window of the medieval pharmacy.

A few steps further you see the legendary house of Lux Ritter and you may ask yourself why the first two floors look different than the third floor.

The Nightwatchman knows.





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