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Free Introductory Talk on The Art of Ascension (Winterthur)


This is an introduction lecture event for all who are interested in discovering the Inner Joy and Peace, in developing a healthy perspective toward the Self and the world, in expanding consciousness, or simply to relieve stresses we face daily.

The Ancient Teaching of The Art of Ascension, as taught by the Ishayas, can be practiced not only as a meditation but also with the eyes open in the hustle and bustle of daily activities. Praise, Gratitude and Love naturally expands from inside out. No belief is required for it to mantra, no effort, no control. It is THAT simple and incredibly effective.

This is an English-speaking event, but German translation is available as needed.

We provide Free Introductory Talks for those interested in the Ishayas' Ascension and how it can help you. We also offer The First Sphere workshops for those choosing to learn the Ascension Techniques.

Contact: Dharaman, text: +41 77 431 80 16,
please call for further details.
or email:




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