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Bachelor's degree productions


I Moths or Good at breaking hearts Hey, um. It's me. I thought we could talk about everything again.

I thought about it for a long time and somehow realized that I still love you and actually can't live without you.

Can we meet again? I have time tomorrow. Our café? At three? I'm here and waiting for you.

I love you... - - - writes...

A project by and with Jakob Fessler, Lilly Hartmann and Emma Madita Mösch Mentorship: Kiri Haardt II Opa On October 23, 2023 at 4:00 p.


on the line 11 bus heading towards Neu Feld, two HKB students tell each other the stories of their grandfathers.

Twenty minutes later in changing room seven at locker 1045 in the fitness room in Länggasse, they decide to turn the many stories their grandfathers have told them into a theater project and to search for what came before them.

"Grandpa" is the collection of stories about Pierre Lech, Luxembourg's best soccer player, and about Hans Scholz, who had to get drunk to kill the carp on New Year's Eve.

A project by and with Tillmann Depping and Nicolas Lech Mentorship: Lukas Bangerter III Who, Witch or Dead - What we are passionate about While searching for the magical, threatening letters suddenly appear in our mailbox.

An extradition notice, death threats, fantasies of destruction and rape.

And suddenly she is standing under your window - the mob with burning torches: "Burn her on the stake!

She is a witch!" Never, ever. Although, if you want. If you want a witch.

You shall get one and you shall be cursed too. Up, up into the dark night.

Up to the Blocksberg, light the fire, pour the tea and raise your voices. And now... Pyro!

A project by and with Sascha Bitterli, Katharina Gieron, Maximilian Götte, Hale Richter and Alina Schmidli Mentorship: Johannes Mager Quelle: Verein Hinto.

ch Lizenz: CC ...

Hochschule der Künste Bern



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Evénements et activités à proximité

ONLINE: Kunst am Abend: Sarah Morris. All Systems Fail-Bern
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CAMERATA BERN - PianoForte - 5. Abokonzert
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Sarah Morris. All Systems Fail-Bern
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Öffentliche Führung: Kosmos Klee. Die Sammlung-Bern
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26. November 2024-Bern

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