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"Arcadia" by Tom Stoppard - now on sale!


The Gay Beggars are proud to present their upcoming production!

April 10th, 1809: In a country house in Derbyshire, the garden is uprooted, romantic poets cause chaos, and a young girl makes revolutionary scientific and mathematical discoveries.

200 years later, academics try to piece together the mystery of what happened that day.

--- Written in the 1990s by Tom Stoppard, Arcadia is one of the most exciting, funny, nerdy and all-around brilliant plays – Join us as we explore the relationship between past and present, order and chaos, the sciences and the humanities, Classicism and Romanticism, and a whole lot more!

Shows will be on May 24th, 25th, 26th, 30th, 31st, and June 1st.

They will start at 19:30 except on Sunday, May 26th at 16:30.

The Sunday show will also feature a free Q&A session after the performance with the production team -- no need to buy a ticket to attend.

Tickets are 20.- full price and 15.- reduced, and can be bought via

20.- full price 15.- reduced (AHV/IV/student)

Bar and Box Office open 60 minutes before show time, doors open 30 minutes before show time.




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