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Publica tu evento/actividad

El blog de umoov

Publish events in umoov Publish activities in umoov Promote events in umoov
Publish your events, activities in minutes Anybody can become a publisher Publishing is Free and Unlimited !
Promote your own unique events and activites to the world. Once you will be in the form, your event will be listed in the map ! Join our communities of events and activities promoters. Whether you are individual or small business, you can promote your event to everybods ! Publishing your events and activities is free ! There are no limitations on the number of events you publish. And if you want even more visibility you can try our premium advetisement space !

3 steps to publish your event/activity

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Register and Log in your account Simply input event/activity info Manage, share and promote.
Register Now
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What ?
When ?
Where ?
QR/unique URL
Register your accont in our website. Only your email and password are required. Then you will have access to all the events/activities publishing functionalities of umoov. Input your event/actitivity information by simple following the instruction rules. After validation your event/activity will be automatically published in umoov web site and Android/iOS umoov apps. It will also be referenced on search engines. You can update, duplicate, disable, delete your events/activities using the umoov administration interface. Each of your event/activity will have a unique QR code and web address that you can use to promote and share over internet.
Are you ready ?