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Remedations: Ecologies – Engagements – Encounters“


The SNF project "Mediating the Ecological Imperative: Formats and Modes of Engagement" is a joint research project of the Institutes of Art History, American Studies and Social Anthropology at the University of Bern.

In addition, a collaboration with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is being realized.

Research focuses on the visual politics of climate change, the role of ecological issues in art and literature, and social engagement with the environment in indigenous cultures.

The philosopher Hans Jonas coined the term "ecological imperative" in his book Das Prinzip Verantwortung (The Principle of Responsibility, 1979), in which he formulated an ecological maxim for action based on Immanuel Kant’s "Categorical Imperative": "Act in such a way that the effects of your actions are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life on earth".




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