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Current Concepts of Chest Wall Stabilization & Reconstruction 8th Basel Workshop


The Workshop is focused on the management of rib fractures, sternum fractures, and on the different aspects of chest wall resection and reconstruction.

The main goal of the workshop is to give a neutral presentation of different systems and to give the opportunity to the participants to become familiar with the different techniques of fixation and osteosynthesis.

The venue of the first day is the fantastic Biozentrum of the University of Basel.

The content of the lectures will be illustrated with interesting and practical cases by use of interactive tools in a round table setting.

The second day, the participants will have the unique chance to exercise over the different systems on human bodies at the Anatomical Institute of Basel.

First, didactic video supported demonstrations will be performed and then, hands on training will be available for each participant.

An outstanding panel of international experts will support the participants during the interactive presentations and the didactic practical part.

Register now, we are looking forward to welcoming you in Basel, Prof.

Didier Lardinois Head, Department of Thoracic Surgery Dr.

Aljaz Hojski Consultant, Department of Thoracic Surgery

300 CHF Participants fee

Biozentrum Universität Basel



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